Today: “The highest, most effective energy on this planet is the word” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“The highest, most effective energy on this planet is the word. There is nothing beyond it, there shall be nothing beyond it, and there was nothing beyond it; therefore, we must consciously understand the power of the word. When we understand the power of the word and we apply the whole mind behind the word, then we create the word which can create the whole world for us.” Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand



Today: Tune your goals and actions to the Cosmos – I Ching

Tune your goals and actions to the Cosmos.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

Contemplation of the divine meaning underlying the workings of the universe gives to the man who is called upon to influence others the means of producing like effects. This requires that power of inner concentration which religious contemplation develops in great men strong in faith. It enables them to apprehend the mysterious and divine laws of life, and by means of profoundest inner concentration they give expression to these laws in their own persons. Thus a hidden spiritual power emanates from them, influencing and dominating others without their being aware of how it happens.


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Today: I Ching