Today: Armed with the wisdom of the ages, your strength becomes irresistible – I Ching

Armed with the wisdom of the ages, your strength becomes irresistible.  Keep the big picture in the context of all that has gone before and you will not be obstructed.  You will be successful.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's translation of the I Ching

Heaven within the mountain points to hidden treasures. In the words and deeds of the past there lies hidden a treasure that men may use to strengthen and elevate their own characters. The way to study the past is not to confine oneself to mere knowledge of history but, through application of this knowledge, to give actuality to the past.
The time of obstruction is past. The energy long dammed up by inhibition forces its way out and achieves great success. This refers to a man who is honoured by the ruler and whose principles now prevail and shape the world.
The pushing upward of the good elements encounters no obstruction and is therefore accompanied by great success. The pushing upward is made possible not by violence but by modesty and adaptability. Since the individual is borne along by the propitiousness of the time, he advances. He must go to see authoritative people. He need not be afraid to do this, because success is assured. But he must set to work, for activity (this is the meaning of “the south”) brings good fortune.


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Today: I Ching