Tao Te Ching – Verse 11 – We work with being, but non-being is what we use.

Tao Te Ching – Verse 11

We join spokes together in a wheel,
but it is the center hole
that makes the wagon move.

We shape clay into a pot,
but it is the emptiness inside
that holds whatever we want.

We hammer wood for a house,
but it is the inner space
that makes it livable.

We work with being,
but non-being is what we use.

(translation by Stephen Mitchell, 1995)

Thirty spokes join in one hub
In its emptiness, there is the function of a vehicle
Mix clay to create a container
In its emptiness, there is the function of a container
Cut open doors and windows to create a room
In its emptiness, there is the function of a room

Therefore, that which exists is used to create benefit
That which is empty is used to create functionality

(translation by Derek Lin, 2006)

It is the gaps that define.
That definition is perfect.
Ornate vessels hold water —
So it is Nothingness which has been defined, not the vessel.
The unwise have been tricked.

(translation by Jeremy M. Miller, 2013)

from I Ching Online

Tao Te Ching – Verse 10 – Can you coax your mind from its wandering and keep to the original oneness?

Tao Te Ching – Verse 10

Can you coax your mind from its wandering
and keep to the original oneness?
Can you let your body become
supple as a newborn child’s?
Can you cleanse your inner vision
until you see nothing but the light?
Can you love people and lead them
without imposing your will?
Can you deal with the most vital matters
by letting events take their course?
Can you step back from you own mind
and thus understand all things?

Giving birth and nourishing,
having without possessing,
acting with no expectations,
leading and not trying to control:
this is the supreme virtue.

(translation by Stephen Mitchell, 1995)

In holding the soul and embracing oneness
Can one be steadfast, without straying?
In concentrating the energy and reaching relaxation
Can one be like an infant?
In cleaning away the worldly view
Can one be without imperfections?
In loving the people and ruling the nation
Can one be without manipulation?
In the heavenly gate’s opening and closing
Can one hold to the feminine principle?
In understanding clearly all directions
Can one be without intellectuality?

Bearing it, rearing it
Bearing without possession
Achieving without arrogance
Raising without domination
This is called the Mystic Virtue

(translation by Derek Lin, 2006)

Be empty and know effulgent Zero.
Breathe softly and know Blissful Nothingness.
Stop looking, then see what was hidden.
Love in secret.
Watch without touching.
Rule All while resting in Zero.

(translation by Jeremy M. Miller, 2013)

from I Ching Online

Tao Te Ching – Verse 7 – The Tao is infinite, eternal.

Tao Te Ching – Verse 7

The Tao is infinite, eternal.
Why is it eternal?
It was never born;
thus it can never die.
Why is it infinite?
It has no desires for itself;
thus it is present for all beings. Continue reading “Tao Te Ching – Verse 7 – The Tao is infinite, eternal.”

Tao Te Ching – Verse 6 – The Tao is called the Great Mother: empty yet inexhaustible, it gives birth to infinite worlds.

Tao Te Ching – Verse 6

The Tao is called the Great Mother:
empty yet inexhaustible,
it gives birth to infinite worlds.

It is always present within you.
You can use it any way you want.
Continue reading “Tao Te Ching – Verse 6 – The Tao is called the Great Mother: empty yet inexhaustible, it gives birth to infinite worlds.”

Tao Te Ching – Verse 5 – The Tao doesn’t take sides; it gives birth to both good and evil.

Tao Te Ching – Verse 5

The Tao doesn’t take sides;
it gives birth to both good and evil.
The Master doesn’t take sides;
she welcomes both saints and sinners.

The Tao is like a bellows:
it is empty yet infinitely capable.
The more you use it, the more it produces;
the more you talk of it, the less you understand.

Hold on to the center. Continue reading “Tao Te Ching – Verse 5 – The Tao doesn’t take sides; it gives birth to both good and evil.”

Tao Te Ching – Verse 4 – The Tao is like a well: used but never used up.

Tao Te Ching – Verse 4

The Tao is like a well:
used but never used up.
It is like the eternal void:
filled with infinite possibilities.

It is hidden but always present.
I don’t know who gave birth to it.
It is older than God. Continue reading “Tao Te Ching – Verse 4 – The Tao is like a well: used but never used up.”

Tao Te Ching – Verse 3 – The Master leads by emptying people’s minds and filling their cores

Tao Te Ching – Verse 3

If you overesteem great men,
people become powerless.
If you overvalue possessions,
people begin to steal.

The Master leads
by emptying people’s minds
and filling their cores,
by weakening their ambition
and toughening their resolve. Continue reading “Tao Te Ching – Verse 3 – The Master leads by emptying people’s minds and filling their cores”

Tao Te Ching – Verse 2 – When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other things become bad. Being and non-being create each other.

Tao Te Ching – Verse 2

When people see some things as beautiful,
other things become ugly.
When people see some things as good,
other things become bad.

Being and non-being create each other.
Difficult and easy support each other.
Long and short define each other.
High and low depend on each other.
Before and after follow each other. Continue reading “Tao Te Ching – Verse 2 – When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other things become bad. Being and non-being create each other.”

Tao Te Ching – Verse 1 – The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao The name that can be named is not the eternal Name.

Tao Te Ching – Verse 1

The tao that can be told
is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.

The unnamable is the eternally real.
Naming is the origin
of all particular things. Continue reading “Tao Te Ching – Verse 1 – The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao The name that can be named is not the eternal Name.”

Tao Te Ching – Verse 38 – The Master doesn’t try to be powerful; thus he is truly powerful.

Tao Te Ching – Verse 38

The Master doesn’t try to be powerful;
thus he is truly powerful.
The ordinary man keeps reaching for power;
thus he never has enough.

The Master does nothing,
yet he leaves nothing undone.
The ordinary man is always doing things,
yet many more are left to be done.

Continue reading “Tao Te Ching – Verse 38 – The Master doesn’t try to be powerful; thus he is truly powerful.”

Lecture: Yogi Bhajan’s lecture on being human, living without fear in the wilderness of social convention and reversing the direction of its influence.

Advanced Class

Yogi Bhajan’s lecture on being human, living without fear in the wilderness of social convention and reversing the direction of its influence.

Date:  February 27, 1978
Location:  Los Angeles, CA

From: Yogi Bhajan’s lecture in the library of teachings.

YB: And I went to interfaith meeting and there we met people from every walk of Christian faith, people from Jewish faith, Baha’is what not, Sikh Dharma whatever it is, there was about four, five hundred people and then I went to see this Church, old orthodox Church and there was saying of Jesus, ‘If man has the whole world and loses his soul, what worth is that world to him?’

And I am asking the same question to you, if you have the whole world in the palm of your hand and the price is that you have to dump your soul for it, what worth is the life? Are you born to cater to your emotions? Or you were born to master your emotions? Are you so magnetically powerful that you can play any neurotic game and you just say, ‘I am sorry’ and get out of it, you can get out of it? Do you feel that you can betray the trust another man is bound to always trust you? What do you think you are? Don’t you have learned so shall you sow, so shall you reap? Don’t you know this is a indefinite law, you can’t deny it, action has reaction equal and opposite, law of Karma or Newton’s third law of force?

I saw those people and I see you, they admitted one thing today, I said, “One question that the very essence, the requirement of life is happiness and happiness comes from relaxation, do we know how to relax?”

And father Royal Vatican said, ‘well Yogiji knows how to give people exercises and those breathing exercises and chanting and meditation and he can relax his people, but with our sixteen cups of cough, we do not know how’ and he was very honest about it too and this time I have been mid, mid, mid-West the Bible belt of America up to Atlanta I touched and I come back in Los Angeles and I am willing to sit and confront you today. I feel we have done tons of investment in you to be what you are and you are very far-out and do the whole people, honest to God.

Other side of the mountain is very risky, very dark because it is, it is totally built and lived in a kind of a scene what is called is paranoia and I have today realized why Guru Gobind Singh said, live fearlessly, Nirbhao, why Guru Nanak said that word, Nirbhao, Nirvair, you have to be Nirbhao, you have to be fearless to become not to have vengeance, otherwise a fearful man will think of vengeance and manipulation and all those areas. Nirvair, have no vengeance against anybody.

The qualification of a human being or what is called is the basic essentials, you can look as a human being, granted, you can identify yourself as a human being, granted, you can establish yourself as a human being, granted, but do you live as a human being? Before you act do you take care of other man sentiments, his conditions, his personality into account? Does your fiber tolerate that you insult everybody you feel like, you insecure everybody you feel like, you lay your tantrums on anybody you feel like and you can get out of it just like nothing has happened? Can you be that insensitive?

This insensitivity has gone into our kind of genes, into our fiber. Why there is a insensitivity? Why there is a fear and why there is unhappiness? Because we are highly selfish and selfish person is very finite, very limited, all he and she thinks is about themself. They only want to use other people for themself, their relationship, their love, their friendship, their talking, the whole thing is based on one thing and one thing alone. How much blood I can suck out of this being? And how long I can live on this person? I can assure you that’s not a basic human character. If you want to be loved, if you want to be respected, if you want to be comfortable, you got to do one thing, you have to start living as a human being.

Difficulties, pain, misfortune all this is your paranoia, they don’t exist. Today I realized my God, this four, five hundred people are sitting here, they don’t know a thing, within ten years, they will be all shift to Miami Beach to stare out of those glass houses. But one day I can figure it out those graveyards which were sitting there in Florida or in other areas, out of those graveyards living human beings, you can see one day they were young and beautiful. They knew every lush of life, if you know every lush of life, how you end up there, I was very sad also to read that newspaper that (?) Gargo, what is her name was?

Students: (—-)

YB: Now lives alone, makes her own toast, butter it herself and sometime she takes tea because… Without milk because it is not in time and she tried to throw social parties but could not find lot of people coming so, she finally stopped it. Do you know those days, you all must be remembering when she was a actress or a heroine in any of the film, nobody will care for rest of the cost get in, queue in you know, that’s enough. What happened to these personalities? Why people built beautiful Temples after the name of the saints and worship and burn candles even after the death they have gone why? Because those could element, their element could join with the universal element and that connection between the universal element and this element today is a hope for all of you.

So whenever you meditate on that person or touch that person or relate to that person, that connection happens. That’s why, they are not, don’t call them very superior being because then that your another word you are telling God made some superior, some inferior, no that’s not true. Some people broke those walls, those barriers. All people do not love them, you can only love a man of a God, if you don’t have an ego, I can guarantee you that. You can use the word love and play the game, you can play the game to fit into your ego and your personality and your limited consciousness but you can’t swim with that person into the universal frequency and you cannot enjoy and grasp the entire whole being that beauty, that bewitching beauty and towards that end Guru Nanak started working, now I realize why ten Gurus and why ten people have to put in their whole thing into it, why not one prophet, one Guru would have been enough?

No, there are lot of facets, lot of aspects of life, which has to be completed. Seven year old child could stand and be bricked alive and say Wahe Guru, it has to happen, it has to take that many years to reach to the tenth master Guru Gobind Singh and then give birth to a child which can say, Nirbhao, I am fearless. Death can’t do anything to me, nothing can do anything to me, God is with me and that is the responsibility of you all. Can you understand how successful Guru Gobind Singhwas as a father? And how Guru Gobind Singh wife was successful as a mother? You forget about the Guru side of the whole thing but just understand them as a parent, as a institute, as a parental institution, how wonderful and successful it was that because from it came those two children, seven and nine, fourteen and sixteen perfect.

I will like to appeal to your rational, your logic human being, have you ever considered in your life that you also have the same chance? What happens is these men of God came and they told us to worship God, we forgot God and we worship it, we started worshipping these men, convenience because that give us a connection. But what we did is after worshipping them we forgot that what they said, it is funny, I was in Atlanta Georgia and I saw that God bless his life Sat Bheer Singh two year old or year and a half, three year something, I do not know exactly his age is. Little guy I mean to say he is not a big man. But you cannot find another alert child of his caliber.

The most beautiful alertness which he represented was perfect and one when his mother said, I said, “But do you use some special technical” and when I was told by my secretary that she is exactly have totally followed the teachings which has been laid down in the past so many years. I said, “Can you ask her to sum them up to just make a consolidated effort so that everybody know what we are talking about?” Because there sits a living intelligent child, God bless him and worse may not happen to him at all ever.

Such a sweet and alert mind because her mother has thought it’s a gift of God and he must be made as a human being of God, that’s all and she has worked, she has not thought, she has to make this piglet, so that she maybe known she was a human pig but gave only two leg piglet out of the, out of a womb and she raised it exactly like that, so that there will be nuisance to the neighbors, nuisance to the home he lives, nuisance to the whole area and when they grow up they become nuisance to the law and order, nuisance to the country, nuisance to the whole world. And when I looked at that skinny woman and I, I just couldn’t say a thing, I mean I was, I mean to say to tell him to not come with us. She said, “Siri Singh Sahib, I want to go with you on this very plane, why don’t you take me, I won’t give you any trouble.”

(Students’ laughter)

It was far-out I couldn’t believe but this what you can say, what you can say, I told Sat Simran, I said, “Let us run otherwise we are going to get emotionally involved and we will get in trouble.”

(Students’ laughter)

Because he knows which button to press and look at me, I mean to say, he can press my button, what he can do for somebody else and we watched him and he was playing with a girl and I watched him and she punched him and he defended himself and punched back and what they, when he got hurt, he wanted to go in a room to cry, he doesn’t want to stand in hallway and shed his tears.

Sat Simran told me a funny thing, Sat Simran gave him a almond or something to eat and it was not the right time and her mother said, “I don’t think he can eat.”

She said, “Yes I know.” And he gave it back. Why not the child should lie down, ‘no mama, why not to I have a cookie, am I not a good Jew, Ibrahim told us to multiply.’

(Students’ laughter)

Couldn’t she lay all those tantrum those sick things, which make the basic culture? I think we are the worst animal race on this planet, we do not do anything, we spoil our own children because we are emotionally insecure, we are mentally corrupt and we have a bankruptcy of moral and we cannot give our children that strength which they need, I think that is why, Guru Gobind Singh came to prove this miracle that there is no miracle, man can evaluate himself, assess himself and can come out with every perfection. Guru Nanak talked to God and Guru Gobind Singh lived in the very spirit of God and proved and I think you all who has to follow that path.

I, I wonder sometime really do you understand sometime when you emotionally misbehave with your children, overprotect them, overfeed them, give them over lease to do wrong. What you actually do? You actually confirm on them a honoring degree of stupidity you want them to be stupid and there is nobody who can be punished for that, you don’t get punished because you old idiots you get away somewhere and you know you already have made up your money and some pension and other things will come through but those people suffer through the steps of walking the way of life. I think we are not in a position to create a superior human being but we are very conveniently we can, we can be perfect human being.

Today it is my experience that any man who can put it a just a honest effort can become graceful human being. I used to have a doubt that perhaps some people are mentally not capable today I am convinced everybody is mentally capable but emotionally not and why not? Because in the culture where we live, we feel if we do not commit mistake, we do not commit blunders, we do not create chaos, nobody will care for us. We are not convinced that righteousness, truth and decency has any value. I think our motivation is because Mafianos are very powerful, let us be a Mafiano, so we start our little Mafia, wherever we are and this ego and power struggle and in our power control, we end up as a mess.

Look to the reality of Godhood and watch in you, how much divine is near you, I was answering a question and they asked a question, “What best thing can happen to you today, which can be very pleasant, what best?”

And I said, “The best thing today which is happening to me is I am alive. Today there is nothing better happening to me than alive, today I am alive, I have lived today, it’s wonderful.”

“And how your children and you can love somebody, who can tell you God is omnipresent, omniscient, omni-powerful and then you tell him look but you can only find Him in such and such place through such and such way only.”

You will say, “What this man is talking about? I mean to say can you be not more stupid than that, you can do some better stupidity than this.” On one side, you say, God is omniscient, omnipresent, God is beautiful, God is life, God is experience. On the other hand you say, but this but is the main problem of human life. It is my very deep and sincere request that all of us who are trying to be something, let us understand that this game cannot continue.

3HO will serve people, it will continue way of life because it guarantees people to be healthy, happy and holy but those who are in 3HO and are continuously playing games, I think they should better think of themself. Because they are bleeding us, they are not allowing us to expand they are creating a situation, which is very saturated. I am not saying they are not beautiful people, I am not saying they are not beautiful people created by God, I am not saying they are not wonderful people, whom we don’t need but for the time being, we can’t use them. I think this shuttle service has no value and in your very life this shuttle service has no shuttle service has any kind of life. This you cannot create emotions to commotions and create a pattern and neurosis, it’s not healthy. You got to learn one thing, you got to be intelligent and intelligence doesn’t come near that man, who is not faithful.

The very essence, the very lay out of intelligence is you can faithfully present yourself and if you don’t have faith, if you have not lived it, it is not right out of you, how can you present it? That’s why your words are phony they are shallow, they are powerless, they are spiritless that’s why they don’t work at all. That’s why your prayers are not answered. Whole cosmos guarantees one thing, entire vibrant life guarantees one thing, entire happening guarantees one thing, that life is happiness. But this dragging down the situation is that is what the problem is. If this is true in scriptures, now I am using the word if, though I know it is true because you have shaken me so well by repeating the blunders, that in seven years by word of God consciousness changes, that means your patterns of life must change and if you are crossing that seven year limit, it means you love your pattern so deeply, you have loaded yourself so deeply with them that you have forgotten that there is a possibility that you can give yourself a chance and I believe and so the scriptures confirm it that every person can give himself and herself a chance.

I sincerely believe in the very core of my heart that even most misfortune person can become the most fortunate person provided, there is a very big provision, provided you desire to be so. The very desirelessness we talk about, here we are urging and longing for a desire, we need to desire, we want a desire.

I remember about three years ago a woman came to me and she said, “I have come to see you to hear from you the truth, give me some truth so that I can know and fulfill my soul. My soul is hungry for the truth.”

And I said, “Lady, you are not ready.”

She said, “No, no, no, no, don’t misunderstand me, I am so eager.”

I said, “Is that so, you have come in search of truth.” And then I started talking to her and in ten minutes I knew she wanted to runaway. I have talked to many people, when I talk to them and I talk to them the truth. They don’t want to hear, they feel trapped, but dear friends in 8.4 million life cycles at the rate of millions of year of the what you call it ray years, you have blessed yourself with the possibility to be a human being and what it matters, if you have the entire world in the palm of your hand at the cost of your soul.

And I tell you a story, there was a man and very beautiful con intelligent man and he conned somebody and conned so well that he took away the wealth of a person and totally legalized it. So having establishing himself, he took the money and wanted to go to a holy man and give him a present and this man of God said, “Thank you very much and for this present may that soul be blessed, which has retained and sustained itself through the total pain of deceit.”

He said, “Sir, I don’t do any deceit my soul is very free.”

He said, “No, no, no, I am not blessing your soul, I am blessing the soul of the person whom this present belongs to.”

He said, “This present belongs to me.”

He said, “You are a carrier, it doesn’t belong to you. It belongs to the someone who earned it.”

“Sir I earned it.”

He said, “No you only deceived it to your side, you didn’t earn it. You have not earned it and I can’t bless you for this, I am blessing the one.”

He said, “You are blessing him?”

He said, “Look my child, he is victorious and you are a loser because you took away from his, his Earth and he turned himself to ether. I see him in the realm of God consciousness sitting much higher than me and as he through you has send me this present, I want to thank him.”

It opened up his heart he realized that these Earthly games have to have a balance with ether also. This Earthly desires are good, I am not against it but you have to have a desire of God also, you have a desire to be kind also, you have a desire to be gentleman also, those are also desires. Not how can you con somebody, how you can strip somebody, how you can just make a person totally dead, these are not the desires, which will make you happy.

You have to learn in your life to relax. Because the source of happiness is based on relaxation and relaxation must come to you through your inner strength and it is my deep understanding that now I can say it with a clear consciousness that how sick a person maybe, if he has desire to earn Godhood, he can earn but also it is my deepest understanding, if you just give somebody Godhood, he may not be in a position to retain it. Because a foolish person may not value the diamond and may think it is a piece of glass but if you take that piece of glass to a jeweler who has the feeling that this is a diamond, he may pay you lot of money just for, just looking at that beautiful piece.

And that is exactly the story at the time of Guru Nanak. Mardana was very hungry, he said, “Lord, look now the pain not only has come to the heart but it has gone to the head and hunger pain those who know to suffer with hunger pain, they know what it is.”

So Guru Nanak gave him a big ruby and said, “Mardane, just go in the town few miles from here there’s a town, make it there and this piece of stone beautiful, you just show it to people and perhaps somebody can give you some food and you can enjoy yourself.”

So Mardana said, “Thank you Lord.” He picked up that stone, tight in his hand ran. So he first he went to a person, who was selling these white daikon radishes, eggplants those kind of goodies, vegetables, very good stall and other side there was beautiful fruit. So he said, “I have got this beautiful precious stone, if you can give food in turn for me.”

He looked at the stone and he said, “Yeah, hah those leafs of daikon radishes are sitting there you can get them.”

He said, “No daikon radish, no fruit?”

He said, “Oh no, no, no, fruit this side, you don’t look at, this side totally ban.”

He said, “No, no, no that’s not, give my stone to me.”

So he took the stone, he went to a place of a person of a Halwahe one who sell sweetmeats and channi and all that eatables perfect, you who those who have gone to India you know that what halwai is, so he showed him the stone, he said, “Yeah, look good I can use him in balancing the weigh, what do you want out of it?”

He said, “Just anything.”

He said, “I can give you few sweetmeats, just few.”

He said, “Nothing more?”

He said, “You can just have few pooris and I think that is maximum. Don’t ask me more or take your stone back, I don’t want to deal with you.”

He said, “My God Guru Nanak told me it is very precious, when these guys are not even giving me one full man meal what precious is this.” So he said, “Let me go to the jeweler and show him whether the stone is real or precious or not.” So he get to this jeweler shop and he said, “I have got this stone and I want to ask you, can you tell me what can be the price of it.”

The jeweler looked at it and he looked at it and he looked at it and he looked at it and he said, “Oh, nobody can buy it, it is priceless.”

He said, “But what you can give to me?”

He said, “I can give you hundred rupees just for showing it to me. You keep this stone with you, I don’t need the stone, I can’t buy it but I will give you one hundred rupees.” And in those days in one hundred rupee you can buy a one shop of fruit, another shop of halwahi, plus other shop of a vegetable, man all total. In three shops may not be worth eighty rupees. He said, “No, I will give you one hundred rupee because in my lifetime I always thought I can see that kind of stone who is the owner of it?”

He said, “My master.”

He said, “Where he lives?”

He said, “Outside.”

He said, “Don’t worry, are you hungry?”

He said, “Yes.”

He said, “Come with me.” He fed him, he clothed him, he gave him a bath, he did all the service and then he said, “Let us go and see I like to see your master, who has that kind of stones.”

So when he came out and he saw a saintly man sitting in a deep meditation he knew what he is. Learned knows the value of life and ignorant ignores the very value of life for which one has come to the Earth. What is ignorant? Ignorant ignores the very value of life, but the learned knows and lives it, experiences, enjoys it, fulfill himself. This aspect of life in reality we see it in our daily chores but we need the strength. It is that strength which can change ourself and there is no way, there is no miracle that you can have that strength without your Sadhana. These three lines are precious, you may not take care of them but I will repeat them for you, Sadhana Aradhana and Prabhupati, they don’t need explanation.

Sadhana, Aradhana whatever your Sadhana has been given to you do that, Aradhana mean doing the Sadhana and Prabhupati, Prabhu means God, Pati means the master, the swami of God. Therefore, whenever in your life you want to become great then you will take that path which reaches the greatness and the first symptom is that you will adapt your characteristic and your behavior, your personality and your environments to do Sadhana and once you determine yourself that Sadhana is my way of life, then Aradhana is complete and then God must fulfill the very promise.

‘Jho Simare Gobind, Gobind Sev Kamaye. Jho Simrae Gobind, Gobind Sev Kamaye Tein Khe Ghar Lakshmi Neith Neithyaye.’

That’s a very beautiful simple couplet those who meditate and chant and repeat the name of God, God serves them and in their house the Goddess of wealth comes again and again because to such people, opportunities, prosperity, happiness, value, completion of desire become meaningful and to the others all fulfillment becomes meaningless.

Tonight in this series where I am trying to take you that you can enrich yourself, you can be a living human being with a living human experience. You all can do one thing and it is same thing that you stop looking at your past, if you go on the side of the mountain and you look on the deeper side the very fact of your looking at the deeper side may pull you right deep into it and lot of accidents have happened that way but if you look to the top and you know the mark and you make it that is what life is about.

Dear folks, life won’t come again and again, these games you are playing, they will play you out. To become adult in your spiritual life, not in your physical life, you have to one day decide, that’s it. I am, I am, the day you decide this, that is the most fortunate day of your life and of your spiritual (?). Let us do this meditation.

… Inhale, Hari, Hari, Hari, Hari…

(YB & Students chanting, ‘Hari Hari Hari Hari…’)

(Chanting stops)

Don’t become very fast, now listen. Patience pays. Listen to the note and the tune which I am meditating and chanting and then you can create that sound yourself, first is a higher powerful tone, second is female soft sophisticated tone, both are very important. Hari Hari Hari Hari…

(YB & Students chanting, ‘Hari Hari Hari Hari…’)

Side B

(Chanting continues)

(Chanting stops)

Inhale, stretch your hands up please, stretch, stretch powerfully and exhale. Inhale again and please stretch, give your spine a chance, exhale. Inhale again and open your fingers wide and stretch as powerfully as you can and relax. Relax, relax, relax, you did it for eleven minutes, you can recognize if you can do it for a very longtime, it can bring swift and powerful change, mantra is very powerful, so is the possibility. May the longtime…

(Students singing, ‘May the longtime sunshine upon you…’)

(Song stops)

Creator, this congregation has been created by you through all these creatures whom you have directed to come. Those who have found Thy will have come, others couldn’t and you have blessed the ways of these creatures, oh Unknown one through this known action, fulfill their heart, give them health, happiness, wealth, prosperity. So that out of their radiance they can glow and shine in Thy name, may this day bring us to Thee forever, ever and ever. Sat Nam.

Students: Sat Nam.

(Students singing, ‘When things are down and darkest…’)

(Song stops)

Today: “We have to understand the basic fundamental existence of ours—to understand the spirit.” Yogi Bhajan

“We have to understand the basic fundamental existence of ours—to understand the spirit. Once you understand the spirit you are all right.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0415 – 20010910 – Karma & Dharma

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

Meditation: NM422 A11020 Coordination of Body Mind by Spirit to Enter the Fall and the Winter Season

NM422 A11020 Coordination of Body Mind by Spirit GUIDED MEDITATION WITH THE MASTER  To Enter the Fall and the Winter Season  Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D. – October 20th, 2001

I have called you today, as these nine days are very auspicious. The moon is  crossing beneath the sun. It is a time to sharpen the mind. Why not to do it the  way of the century-old custom? It is not very difficult, and you will be very comfortable in the end.


To Enter the Fall and the Winter Season  31 Minutes  (Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Bring your hands in front of your heart center, with the fingertips touching and the  palms spread.)  “Try to see how the energy moves. You will feel the reality of the body. Inhale deep and ride on the breath, in and out, long  and deep, as honestly as you can. Take your body—the inner being in this body, simply by meditative force. Do not try to  understand that you cannot do it. It is not difficult, but it is a great experience. Pull your mental body out of your body.  Just take it out. Just simply coordinate between you, your environments, your activities and your own preciousness.  Your mental body, when you command it, is very pure, very clear. And it is yours. It is not related to the physical activities,  although the mental body is with you. Things are corrupt only when you are in your physical body and your mental body  is not combined. So, do coordinate—you have that power, and take this out, out of your being. Time is with us, the wind  is behind us and virtuous we are.  It is a very special Saturday. Therefore the Saturn energy in the penetrating form of its being is passing through, irrespective  of any force or any effort. That is why I chose it. And we have a small time window only, that is why I am very quick and  not saying anything. So this breath has to be very long and down to the navel point. Deep in, and hold, and completely out.  The power we have is our virtue. Our virtue is extremely powerful. Our value is humongous. Value, we give! Virtues, we  experience! Our values are our values. The majority of the time we forget that we have values. But most of the time if we  practice these things, we remember our values. And once a person follows one’s own values, that is all divinity is all about.  So, keep the breath long, deep and evaluate yourself. Give yourself values. The first value you can give yourself is: I am  virtuous. I am beautiful. God created me in the best form. Thank God has given me health, happiness and wealth.  You know, you are a wonder of the world. Recognize the fact. Concentrate on these things.  Now comes the secret of the Shintoism, the Japanese faith. See that you are just a blade of grass, beautiful, green, and  you are covering your values. Start covering your values as a blade of grass, with an extreme sense of self-cooperation.  The tips of the fingers must meet so that circulation can coordinate the two parts of the body, and your valuable and  virtuous and wonderful body is right, at this time, under manual control, and your mental body is taken out.  The mental body is looking at your physical body as you are sitting. Practice this split. Once you can separate your mental  body and practice to separate it, as we keep on doing, there will be no problems—at the time of death you can split your  mental body and be free of karma. You will never have a rebirth again. That is guaranteed.  This is your reality. You have a physical body, you have a mental body and you have a body of bliss. When you separate  that, in-between you watch over this body. See how beautiful it is?  Your breath has to be very long and deep because your spiritual body, your physical body, your mental body and your being  are separate. You have never been taught this. You have never been told. You think you are one bundle. Feel the super and  extreme contentment. That will bring you prosperity. Ride on your breath and just feel supremely contented. That will give  you the prosperity that you are looking for. It’s no use living rich, it’s no use living poor, it’s no use being great if you cannot  demonstrate to yourself that you can separate your bodies as you can separate that strength. And you can not only  visualize, but experience it. In this experience, you are the Supreme.

Every religion goes round and round and round and talks one thing only—self-consciousness. Self-consciousness is just a  phrase to us. Let us consider what self-consciousness is: When we know we have a spiritual body, we have a mental body,  we have a physical body.  Your mental body and your radiant body—have you ever put them together? They are yours. Nobody will know it! But  you will be charged, and recharged with the energy. What is more beautiful on this Earth than you? What is more pure  and shining than you? What is more cool and calm and quiet than you? In the Eyes of God you are everything.  Take a long deep breath and ride on it. Fortune and misfortune are two wavelengths. By yourself it pulses—you can put  your body on any wavelength you need. In common man’s language we call it repetition.  The body’s membranes, the body’s re-adjustment and the body’s main nervous system are going to adjust now. You are  within that time. Please breathe long and deep and cure yourself forever. Heal! Take long deep breaths and ride on it, and  keep your mental body away. Only look at where the tips of the fingers meet.  Circulate your breath. Keep the mental body separate. Concentrate on the physical body, in the realm of personal  consciousness. You are beautiful, you are bountiful, you are blissful, you are virtuous, you have vigor, self-control. Apply  all that!  The central nerve in the navel point can be touched by a deep breath. A split mental body can give you a vast area of  coexistence. Your all five channels and tattvas are totally balanced at the moment. Your arc line is clear.  Can you believe the little bit that we have done? We suffer here, there, everywhere. What for? America needs peace, it  needs love. It needs tons of smiles. It needs us—we the people.  Our window is up at 12 o’clock. The rotation of the planet will change the energy and it will change everything. Now is  the time. Breathe long and deep. Get it when it is available. Bring in you the coziness. Colorful coziness. Split the light inside. Bring in the special Breath of Life. If you know how to concentrate, meditate and breathe, this is the time.”  To end  “Breathe in deep and hold it tight. Breathe out. Breathe in deep and hold it tight. Breathe out. Breathe in all the virtues of  God and breathe out peace for the world. Breathe in long and deep, hold it, love it, feel it, and then let it go. Now put all  the pressure on the fingertips. Inhale deep. Put a tight grip on the fingers. Let it go. Inhale deep. Make the fingers very tight.  Feel the purpose of life and prosperity. Let it go. Inhale deeply, exhale and relax.”  This time may come in this month next year. My idea was just to give you a re-charge. And this is a very special  time. The whole Eastern World is going to celebrate the Festival of Light. During the ten days of this festival people  will do nothing but breathe, meditate, eat the right food and show gratitude to young girls, the mothers of  innocence. When you see a young girl, you see the creative purity. Purity has many forms, but creative purity is  only the young girl. The source of humanity is that young girl, who will grow and one day have a family and children.  America is young all the time and does not care. There is no rule, no virtue, because we are not a very meditative  nation. But now we are learning a lesson. We got chili in our nose. Now we know we have to change. One day  you will come out and realize how virtuous you are, how valuable you are, how this precious time is given to you  so you can act on yourself so that you can turn from human into an angel. You are going to get kicked. That is a  fact you cannot avoid. Every moment you have to concentrate on your purity.  I asked a Japanese master, “What is Shinto?” He replied, “It is a personal religion.”“Can I know about it?” He picked  a blade of grass and said, “What do you see?” I was a little cleverer than he thought and I said, “God.” He asked,  “Where is it?” I said, “In this blade.”“You know Shinto. That’s it! Thank you.”  There is nothing more in teaching. This is all it is. If you cannot see God in all you cannot see God at all. When that  monk picked up a piece of grass and said, “What do you see?” a normal reply would have been, “A blade of grass.”  What is the most beautiful virtue man has? Matching intelligence! If you can match intelligence with another person  you are the most valuable, virtuous and wonderful person. Love is when you temporarily get along with a person.  Virtue is in matching intelligence–not values, where everybody differs. Match intelligence!



Today: “A man has to understand his existence in relationship to the universe” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“A man has to understand his existence in relationship to the universe. Whosoever knows this knows the truth. The whole world around you will be beautiful if you understand that you are you.” Yogi Bhajan


Meditation: LA010 – 19780210 – Gobinda – Project to the Infinite

Today: “We have to understand the basic fundamental existence of ours—to understand the spirit.” Yogi Bhajan

“We have to understand the basic fundamental existence of ours—to understand the spirit. Once you understand the spirit you are all right.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0415 – 20010910 – Karma & Dharma

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What else Yogi Bhajan said

A letter to a friend


I appreciate hearing from you.  You have been true to the Guru.  

I haven’t been holding virtual meditation gatherings, though  you are on my list whenever they should happen.

I still offer remote healing sessions, though typically not face to face.  This is how I can offer personal suggestions for meditations.

I agree, the world has largely devolved into insanity.  It has touched us all, though not everyone is broken.  I’m happy to hear that you have found a safe haven.

There has been a profound change in people’s perceptions of how to organize our devotion.  The paradigms of community, seeker, teacher and organization were largely blown up.  Tribalism and cultism have taken a toll.  What I have realized is that we human beings remain intact with our personal identities and aspirations.  We only need to recognize and reform our social identities.  The age of the monolithic power structure is over.

One thing that I have understood from our excellent teachers is that we, now, are it.  Everything hinges on the active we, evolving from the passive us.  Subtly, just as we all have experienced in countless classes, we share each others’ existence and presence.  We do not have to feel alone.  We share in our subtle bodies a common experience that binds us and lifts our soul.  Once we resolve the question of the soul body, we can nourish and grow it through our daily practice, sadhana, together with the subtle body of all the souls practicing with us.  In a natural progression, we share our awareness and compassion through radiance, our radiant body.   This is how we can begin recognize and then support and nourish the collective soul body.

Here are some suggestions.

To enhance awareness of the subtle body and soul body:

Meditation: NM0410 – 20010615 – The Northern Lights – Ek Ong Kar

Yogi Bhajan introduced it to us at Summer Solstice 2001. It was the last time he appeared at Summer Solstice.    

It is difficult, to begin.  He said, “do it for 40 days” then maybe 90 days, or 120, or just keep doing it.  I started with 11 minutes for a week, then 22 minutes, then 31 minutes, then 62 minutes, then 2 1/2 hours.

This is a good one to master,  at 1000 days.

Here are the meditations for the radiant body:


Here’s another one Yogi Bhajan suggested that we master (as I heard it):

Meditation: LA822-950201-Healing the Physical

Also called “The Lighthouse”.  It’s worth doing.  

For the soul body:

Meditation: M043-19890623 See Your Soul Within Your Third Eye

Meditation: KWTC04-960627-Soul and Identity

For sanity and stability:



One day at a retreat, my friend and I were discussing the meditation NM0410, which was my sadhana at the time.  She told me she was intrigued by it, and wanted to try it.  As we were housed in a dorm at the retreat, she asked me to come get her on my way to the place where I was meditating.  At 3am the next morning, I knocked on the door of her room (shared by 3 other people).  Immediately, I heard screams from inside the room.  They all screamed.  So, puzzled, I left to do my sadhana.

She later explained that she and her roommates had convinced themselves that they were being stalked by a ghost in their room.  My knock on the door became a part of their story.