Today: “I remember when Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned in a jail. When he was released, he requested, “Can I stay one week more?”” Yogi Bhajan

“I remember when Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned in a jail. When he was released, he requested, “Can I stay one week more?” They asked what kind of guy is he? He said, “It is a very big jail; there are a lot of people here and I have been teaching a special course on meditation that will take a week more to finish. If I am extended a week, I can teach these people and I’ll be grateful if you allow me to stay in here.” The superintendent said, “We will charge you four rupees, half a dollar a day for that week if you want to stay; otherwise, you better get out, we don’t need you anymore.” Can you believe that kind of consciousness? His consciousness was that he never felt imprisoned.” Yogi Bhajan

Sat Nam!
Ram Anand

Meditation: NM0380 – Ecstasy and Joy

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