Tao Te Ching – Verse 13 – Success is as dangerous as failure. Hope is as hollow as fear.

Tao Te Ching – Verse 13

Success is as dangerous as failure.
Hope is as hollow as fear.

What does it mean that success is as dangerous as failure?
Whether you go up the ladder or down it,
your position is shaky.
When you stand with your two feet on the ground,
you will always keep your balance.What does it mean that hope is as hollow as fear?
Hope and fear are both phantoms
that arise from thinking of the self.
When we don’t see the self as self,
what do we have to fear?

See the world as your self.
Have faith in the way things are.
Love the world as your self;
then you can care for all things.

(translation by Stephen Mitchell, 1995)

Favor and disgrace make one fearful
The greatest misfortune is the self
What does “favor and disgrace make one fearful” mean?
Favor is high; disgrace is low
Having it makes one fearful
Losing it makes one fearful
This is “favor and disgrace make one fearful”

What does “the greatest misfortune is the self” mean?
The reason I have great misfortune
Is that I have the self
If I have no self
What misfortune do I have?

So one who values the self as the world
Can be given the world
One who loves the self as the world
Can be entrusted with the world

(translation by Derek Lin, 2006)

The world judges harshly.
High and low are One.
The body is the best, though a crumbling, Temple.

(translation by Jeremy M. Miller, 2013)

from I Ching Online


Author: harinam

Yogi, teacher, healer

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