Today: “I remember when Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned in a jail. When he was released, he requested, “Can I stay one week more?”” Yogi Bhajan

“I remember when Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned in a jail. When he was released, he requested, “Can I stay one week more?” They asked what kind of guy is he? He said, “It is a very big jail; there are a lot of people here and I have been teaching a special course on meditation that will take a week more to finish. If I am extended a week, I can teach these people and I’ll be grateful if you allow me to stay in here.” The superintendent said, “We will charge you four rupees, half a dollar a day for that week if you want to stay; otherwise, you better get out, we don’t need you anymore.” Can you believe that kind of consciousness? His consciousness was that he never felt imprisoned.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM0380 – Ecstasy and Joy

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