Today: ”With danger all around, don’t move.  You will have to allow a new path to emerge. ” – a reading from the I Ching

With danger all around, don’t move.  You will have to allow a new path to emerge.  Use the example of water.  Be flexible.  Do not cling to habit or preferences.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#29, line 3, #39

You are facing a crucial trial along your Journey.  The danger of this challenge is very real.  It is a test of your mettle.  If you can maintain your integrity and stay true to your convictions, you will overcome.  That’s not as easy as it seems when you are faced with the sacrifice of other things you’ve come to depend upon or hold dear.
Here every step, forward or backward, leads into danger. Escape is out of the question. Therefore we must not be misled into action, as a result of which we should only bog down deeper in the danger; disagreeable as it may be to remain in such a situation, we must wait till a way out shows itself.
The Obstacle lies in obstinance.  An insistence on only one way of proceeding has brought things to an impasse.  You may either continue banging your head with irresistible force against this immovable object, or you might step back and survey this situation from a fresh perspective.

Meditation: 881026 Removing Fear of the Future

Today: I Ching – Previous Readings


Today: “Any time you do not have the answer for something —anything —it doesn’t matter what the question is —hold the breath in.” – Yogi Bhajan

“Any time you do not have the answer for something —anything —it doesn’t matter what the question is —hold the breath in. The moment you hold the breath in, the body will automatically computerize to survive, and your question is heard with it. It will give you the answer. This is because the breath of life is life itself and everything is a facet of life. There is nothing beyond that.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: Breath to Conquer Time Space and Destiny

What else Yogi Bhajan said