HNS Class Golden Bridge Hollywood – 2012-11-14 – Stillness and Peace

Tune-in.  Ong Namo….

Let’s do this Meditation:

The right hand wraps around and holds the left thumb.  The hands rest in the lap.     Close the eyes.  Focus your eyes downward to the tip of the chin.     Silently recite to yourself, “Wa… he… Gu… ru….”  Contemplate the space between each syllable:  “Wa… he… Gu… ru….”
Time:  11 minutes
To Finish:  Inhale deeply, and relax.

Okay.  Take your partner.

Round 1:  Open the space.  Feel the sounds as they resonate inside you.  Feel how the sounds are interacting with all of your perceptions.  Find the Silence in your space, and expand your experience into the Silence.  In your experience of the sounds find the emotional component.  See what stimulates emotion.  Use that emotional component of your experience to bring your awareness to your Third Chakra.  Allow that emotional sensation to remind you to hold your awareness there in the Third Chakra.  Go beyond the forms of your mind.  Experience the Silence, beginning in the Third Chakra, and then let it expand.  Research that relationship between the sounds and the emotions, and experience it in the Third Chakra.  Let it expand.  Now choose to relate with your partner.  Relate with the Third Chakra of your partner with the intention of moving the awareness of your partner to the Third Chakra.  Relate with the Third Chakra of your partner with the intention of clarifying the mind.  Keep sitting in your Third Chakra.  Observe the relationship between the sounds and the emotions.  Relate with your partner in a way to clarify the mind with the awareness in the Third Chakra.  Use the Silence to expand the experience.  Keep going beyond the forms of the mind, and just allow it to clarify.  Bring the entire space of the relation with the Third Chakra of your partner to neutral, observing the effect on the mind.  Come to conclusion.


Round Two :  Open the space.  Allow the sounds to begin to affect your entire Field of Perception, and to penetrate inside you.  Feel the sounds inside you.  Feel how the sounds are affecting the emotional component of your Field.  Set the intention to move your awareness to your Third Chakra.  Perceive the sounds, emotions, and everything in your Third Chakra.  Choose to relate with your partner and your partner’s Third Chakra.  You need to move your partner’s experience to the Third Chakra.  Research how your relation in the space of your partner’s Third Chakra is affecting the mind and how it’s working.  Find how you can relate with the space in the Third Chakra, in that Field, to clarify the mind.  Expand the space in the Third Chakra.  Use the Silence.  Bring the space to neutral.  Expand the space in the Third Chakra.  Expand the space in the mind.  If you think it’s too abstract, you can continue to be aware of the sounds and their effect on the emotions.  Come to conclusion.  Switch.

We’re not done.

Round Three :  Open the space.  Be aware of the sounds in the space.  Feel the sounds inside you.  Move your awareness to the Throat Chakra.  Feel the sounds inside your Throat Chakra.  Feel how the sounds affect the part of your Field that’s the emotions.  Relate with your partner.  Relate with your partner’s Throat Chakra.  In the space of the relation with your partner’s Throat Chakra, modify that relation in a way that will adjust your partner’s spine.  Adjust the neck.  Adjust the cranium.  Release the pressure in the vagus nerve.  Release the pressure, beginning in the face.  Release all the places where there’s pressure.  Come to conclusion.  Switch.

Round Four:   Open the space.  Open your Field.  Relate with the sounds inside you.  Relate with the sounds’ connecting with emotions.  Observe your Perceptive Field in the Throat Chakra.  Keep the connection with the sounds.  Relate with your partner’s Throat Chakra.  Relate with the Throat Chakra in a way that will adjust your partner’s spine, neck, and cranium.  Release any pressure and swelling in the vagus nerve, and any irritation in the face, or wherever there’s any pressure.  Come to conclusion.  Switch.

Round Five :  Healers, as you approach your partners, put yourselves into a position where you’ll be able to touch your partners’ heads with your right hands.  Open the space.  Relate with the Field of the Sound inside you.  Put your hands into the Mahan Gyan Mudra.  (The elbows are bent and into the sides.  The left palm faces up to the ceiling, and the right palm faces down to the floor.  On both hands the Jupiter fingers are straight, and the thumbs hold down the other fingers.  The top section of the right Jupiter Finger sits on the top section of the left Jupiter Finger.  The two Jupiter Fingers form a 90-degree angle.)  Place your awareness in your Crown Chakra.  Relate with your partner’s Crown Chakra.  Don’t do anything.  Just contemplate the relation.  Feel the resistances.  Feel everything that is movement away from Stillness.  Go more deeply into Stillness.  Continue to contemplate and feel the resistance, allowing the Stillness to amplify the perception.  Bring your mind into Absolute Stillness.  Don’t move from that Stillness; however, do move your right Jupiter Finger, and touch the top of your partner’s head.  Release all resistance.  Okay.  Switch.

Round Six:   Open the space.  Feel the sounds inside you.  Move your awareness to your Crown Chakra.  Relate with your partner.  Place your hands into the Maha Gyan Mudra.  Relate with your partner’s Crown Chakra.  Bring your mind to Stillness.  Feel the resistances.  Let the Stillness amplify the resistance.  Don’t change anything.  Stay in that Stillness.  Don’t move from it; however, move your right Jupiter Finger, and touch the top of your partner’s head, releasing the resistance.  Okay.

Sat Nam.  Sat Nam.  Sat Nam.  (silent prayer….)