Today: – ”The course has been changed.  Better times are promised.  Still, there is significant resistance to moving forward.” – a reading from the I Ching

The course has been changed.  Better times are promised.  Still, there is significant resistance to moving forward.   Perseverance and caution are called for in order to make the transition complete.  It could take some time.
This refers to the “bad actors” cited in yesterday’s reading.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#63, line 3, #3
The transition from the old to the new time is already accomplished. In principle, everything stands systematised, and it is only in regard to details that success is still to be achieved. In respect to this, however, we must be careful to maintain the right attitude. Everything proceeds as if of its own accord, and this can all too easily tempt us to relax and let things take their course without troubling over details. Such indifference is the root of all evil. Symptoms of decay are bound to be the result. Here we have the rule indicating the usual course of history. But this rule is not an inescapable law. He who understands it is in position to avoid its effects by dint of unremitting perseverance and caution.
“Illustrious Ancestor” is the dynastic title of the Emperor Wu Ting of the Yin dynasty.1 After putting his realm in order with a strong hand, he waged long colonial wars for the subjection of the Huns who occupied the northern borderland with constant threat of incursions.
The situation described is as follows. After times of completion, when a new power has arisen and everything within the country has been set in order, a period of colonial expansion almost inevitably follows. Then as a rule long-drawn-out struggles must be reckoned with. For this reason, a correct colonial policy is especially important. The territory won at such bitter cost must not be regarded as an almshouse for people who in one way or another have made themselves impossible at home, but who are thought to be quite good enough for the colonies. Such a policy ruins at the outset any chance of success. This holds true in small as well as in large matters, because it is not only rising states that carry on a colonial policy; the urge to expand, with its accompanying dangers, is part and parcel of every ambitious undertaking.
TIMES OF GROWTH are beset with difficulties. They resemble a first birth. But these difficulties arise from the very profusion of all that is struggling to attain form. Everything is in motion: therefore if one perseveres there is a prospect of great success, in spite of the existing danger. When it is a man’s fate to undertake such new beginnings, everything is still unformed, dark. Hence he must hold back, because any premature move might bring disaster. Likewise, it is very important not to remain alone; in order to overcome the chaos he needs helpers. This is not to say, however, that he himself should look on passively at what is happening. He must lend his hand and participate with inspiration and guidance.

Meditation:NM091 – 19921110 – Self Emboldenment, Engagement, Vision

Today: I Ching – Previous Readings

Today: “Spirituality and Godhead does not mean that if I meditate all the time I am very spiritual.” Yogi Bhajan

“Spirituality and Godhead does not mean that if I meditate all the time I am very spiritual. Spirituality does mean that I am perfect in my spirit as far as my relationship is concerned on all levels of consciousness.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: NM091 – 19921110 – Self Emboldenment, Engagement, Vision

What else Yogi Bhajan said