Today: A new day is dawning.  The fruits of struggle are sweet. ” – a reading from the I Ching

A new day is dawning.  The fruits of struggle are sweet.  Do not dwell on victory.  Rather, meticulously consider every detail in the construction of a new order.  Have the foresight to anticipate any potential conflict so that the structure itself can contain it.

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching

#64, line 5, #6
The conditions are difficult. The task is great and full of responsibility. It is nothing less than that of leading the world out of confusion back to order. But it is a task that promises success, because there is a goal that can unite the forces now tending in different directions. At first, however, one must move warily, like an old fox walking over ice. The caution of a fox walking over ice is proverbial in China. His ears are constantly alert to the cracking of the ice, as he carefully and circumspectly searches out the safest spots. A young fox who as yet has not acquired this caution goes ahead boldly, and it may happen that he falls in and gets his tail wet when he is almost across the water. Then of course his effort has been all in vain. Accordingly, in times “before completion,” deliberation and caution are the prerequisites of success.
When fire, which by nature flames upward, is above, and water, which flows downward, is below, their effects take opposite directions and remain unrelated. If we wish to achieve an effect, we must first investigate the nature of the forces in question and ascertain their proper place. If we can bring these forces to bear in the right place, they will have the desired effect and completion will be achieved. But in order to handle external forces properly, we must above all arrive at the correct standpoint ourselves, for only from this vantage can we work correctly.
The victory has been won. The power of steadfastness has not been routed. Everything has gone well. All misgivings have been overcome. Success has justified the deed. The light of a superior personality shines forth anew and makes its influence felt among men who have faith in it and rally around it. The new time has arrived, and with it good fortune. And just as the sun shines forth in redoubled beauty after rain, or as a forest grows more freshly green from charred ruins after a fire, so the new era appears all the more glorious by contrast with the misery of the old.
CONFLICT DEVELOPS when one feels himself to be in the right and runs into opposition. If one is not convinced of being in the right, opposition leads to craftiness or high-handed encroachment but not to open conflict.
If a man is entangled in a conflict, his only salvation lies in being so clear- headed and inwardly strong that he is always ready to come to terms by meeting the opponent halfway. To carry on the conflict to the bitter end has evil effects even when one is the right, because the enmity is then perpetuated. It is important to see the great man, that is, an impartial man whose authority is great enough to terminate the conflict amicably or assure a just decision. In times of strife, crossing the great water is to be avoided, that is, dangerous enterprises are not to be begun, because in order to be successful they require concerted unity of focus. Conflict within weakens the power to conquer danger without.

Meditation: NM0399-20010512 – The Power of Shushmana

Today: I Ching – Previous Readings

Today: The Yogi focuses his attention in the Light And tells the deepest secrets … ” Yogi Bhajan

“The Yogi focuses his attention in the Light And tells the deepest secrets … The ineffable description Of remembrance of the Nam Of Shakti and Bhakti, And of Brahma’s Gyan. The words flow through him naturally, And bowing to Guru Ram Das, The Mender of Broken Destinies, Centered deeply in Prayer … He speaks, So that, by Guru’s Grace, Everyone may hear.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: stening to Angelic Whispers – from the Mind

What else Yogi Bhajan said