Today: Climbing alone in the dark is perilous.  If not you, then who, can fix what is broken?” – from the I Ching

Climbing alone in the dark is perilous.  If not you, then who, can fix what is broken?

Meditation:  Meditation: LA088 790222 Egyptian Meditation

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day

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Tao Te Ching – Verse 51 – Every being in the universe is an expression of the Tao

Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching
46 – Forty-Six  Shêng / Upward Mobility

Beneath the Soil, the Seedling pushes upward toward the light:
To preserve his integrity, the Superior Person contents himself with small gains that eventually lead to great accomplishment.

Supreme Success.
Have no doubts.
Seek guidance from someone you respect.
A constant move toward greater clarity will bring reward.


You are progressing, rising inch-by-inch toward certain success.
What makes this assured is your refusal to tilt headlong toward your goal, slamming into obstacles and going mad with frustration.
You have a clear map before you of the steps necessary to reach your objective.
With faithful patience and a careful conservation of personal energy and resources, you will run this long, slow distance.

Six at the top means:

Climbing onward and upward through dark of night is perilous, but your tenacity is admirable.
Good fortune if you avoid the slightest misstep.

Pushing upward in darkness.
It furthers one
To be unremittingly persevering.

Reaper in darkness

He who pushes upward blindly deludes himself. He knows only advance, not retreat. But this means exhaustion. In such a case it is important to be constantly mindful that one must be conscientious and consistent and must remain so. Only thus does one become free of blind impulse, which is always harmful.

18 – Eighteen  Ku / Repairing the Damage

Winds sweep through the Mountain valley:
The Superior Person sweeps away corruption and stagnation by stirring up the people and strengthening their spirit.

Supreme success.
Before crossing to the far shore, consider the move for three days.
After crossing, devote three days of hard labor to damage control.


You are blessed with an opportunity to resuscitate that which others have abandoned as beyond repair.
This ruin wasn’t caused by evil intention, but by indifference to decay.
Just by addressing yourself to the problem, you exhibit a new awareness, a fresh perspective.
This is a time of recovery, renewal, regeneration.

Today: “All colors are inside you. The universe is colorless.” – Yogi Bhajan

“All colors are inside you. The universe is colorless. All happiness is inside you. The universe is without happiness. All sorrows are inside you. The universe is sorrowless. All existence is inside you. The universe is existenceless.”
Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: TCH20 02 960722 – Increase the Power of the Infinite Within

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Tao Te Ching – Verse 55 – He who is in harmony with the Tao is like a newborn child