Today: “Know when to call a halt to your pursuits.  Advancing leads to failure.  Staying ultimately brings empowerment and completion.” – from the I Ching

Know when to call a halt to your pursuits.  Advancing leads to failure.  Staying ultimately brings empowerment and completion.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day

Tao Te Ching – Verse 42 – The Tao gives birth to One

Meditation: Breath to Conquer Time Space and Destiny

See previous reading

See previous previous reading

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Read the text from Richard Wilhelm's and subsequent translations of the I Ching
62 – Sixty-Two. Hsiao Kuo / Lying Low

Thunder high on the Mountain, active passivity:
The Superior Person is unsurpassed in his ability to remain small.
In a time for humility, he is supremely modest.
In a time of mourning, he uplifts with somber reverence.
In a time of want, he is resourcefully frugal.

When a bird flies too high, its song is lost.
Rather than push upward now, it is best to remain below.
This will bring surprising good fortune, if you keep to your course.


There is no profit to striving here.
To be content with oneself is the greatest success imaginable.
The enlightened person has nothing to prove to himself or others, and thus may always operate from a position of sincerity, with no pretense or posturing.
His humility is guileless simplicity.
His mourning is selfless compassion.
His frugality is an unshakeable faith that he is but a conduit, letting what is needed flow through him to others, with no loss to himself.

Six at the top means:

He passes him by, not meeting him.
The flying bird leaves him.
This means bad luck and injury.

Daedalus and Icarus

‘Daedalus and Icarus’ – Ludovico Lana

If one overshoots the goal, one cannot hit it. If a bird will not come to its nest but flies higher and higher, it eventually falls into the hunter’s net. He who in times of extraordinary salience of small things does not know how to call a halt, but restlessly seeks to press on and on, draws upon himself misfortune at the hands of gods and men, because he deviates from the order of nature.

58 – Fifty-Eight. Tui / Empowering

The joyous Lake spans on and on to the horizon:
The Superior Person renews and expands his Spirit through heart-to-heart exchanges with others.

Success if you stay on course.


This is the sign of true companionship.
The principals in this situation exchange energy, ideas and feelings, constantly invigorating and encouraging each other to new heights of Spiritual achievement and Self-discovery.
This exchange is not for the glory of the Team, but for furthering the process of each individual’s ‘Te’, or pure potentiality.

Today: “Let us meditate on God.” Yogi Bhajan

“Let us meditate on God. By God, I mean the Infinite Creator, the giver of energy, and the power through which our breath fluctuates in us as we inhale and exhale; that great Existence, that great Phenomenon of Truth in us which brings us the satya and gives us the life. Unknown we are, to Known we have to go. From the God who made the blueprint of the being—the eyes, the nose, the hair, the shoulders, the hands and arms—fill all of that with humility. Draw from the universe that great energy and feel it in every cell of your body. Let every cell of your body vibrate and extend that vibration to every extent. Feel it as a big whirlwind of energy circling with each cell of your body. Just concentrate and feel it in you.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: KYB117-19860822 – Achieve an Experience of God

See related posts

What else Yogi Bhajan said

Tao Te Ching – Verse 42 – The Tao gives birth to One

Tao Te Ching – Verse 42

The Tao gives birth to One.
One gives birth to Two.
Two gives birth to Three.
Three gives birth to all things.
All things have their backs to the female
and stand facing the male.
When male and female combine,
all things achieve harmony.
Ordinary men hate solitude.
But the Master makes use of it,
embracing his aloneness, realizing
he is one with the whole universe. Continue reading “Tao Te Ching – Verse 42 – The Tao gives birth to One”