“There is nothing more powerful than your self…” – Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“There is nothing more powerful than your self. God couldn’t make anything better than you. He took seven days. And prayer gives you yourself. Prayer doesn’t give you God; you are already God.” Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)

Today: Thunderous shock (repentance) – from the I Ching


The thunderous shock, causing fear and trembling, should be met with a reverence of spirit and an introspection into your own heart.  You must question whether your heart is in alignment with the cosmos with a profound inner seriousness from which all terrors glance off harmlessly, or is subject to a profound reckoning for holding childish views of hatred, division, and separation. Continue reading “Today: Thunderous shock (repentance) – from the I Ching”