Today: “Serving  your family, draw from your skills and strengths.” – from the I Ching

Serving  your family, draw from your skills and strengths.

See Yogi Bhajan’s quote for the day

Tao Te Ching – Verse 32 – The Tao can’t be perceived. Smaller than an electron, it contains uncountable galaxies.

See previous reading

See previous previous reading

Meditation: NM0383-20010213 – Culturing the Self

Meditation: NM091 – 19921110 – Self Emboldenment, Engagement, Vision

See Related posts

37 – Thirty-Seven. Chia Jên / Family Duties

Warming Air Currents rise and spread from the Hearthfire:
The Superior Person weighs his words carefully and is consistent in his behavior.

Be as faithful as a good wife.


One in this situation must be keenly aware of his influence on others.
Maintain a healthy respect for the ripple effect of your words and deeds.
To some you serve as a role model.
You can either help shape their world or tilt them into chaos.
Show temperance and consideration to all.

Six in the second place means:

The neglected wife resists temptation and returns to her family duties.
For her, things will improve.

She should not follow her whims.
She must attend within to the food.
Perseverance brings good fortune.

The milkmaid

‘The milkmaid’ – Johannes Vermeer (1632 – 1675)
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam – Holland

The wife must always be guided by the will of the master of the house, be he father, husband, or grown son. Her place is within the house. There, without having to look for them, she has great and important duties. She must attend to the nourishment of her family and to the food for the sacrifice. In this way she becomes the centre of the social and religious life of the family, and her perseverance in this position brings good fortune to the whole house.
In relation to general conditions, the counsel given here is to seek nothing by means of force, but quietly to confine oneself to the duties at hand.

48 – Forty-Eight. Ching / The Well

Deep Waters Penetrated and drawn to the surface:
The Superior Person refreshes the people with constant encouragement to help one another.

Encampments, settlements, walled cities, whole empires may rise and fall, yet the Well at the center endures, never drying to dust, never overflowing.
It served those before and will serve those after.
Again and again you may draw from the Well, but if the bucket breaks or the rope is too short there will be misfortune.


There is a Source common to us all.
Jung named it the Collective Unconscious.
Others hail it as God within.
Inside each of us are dreamlike symbols and archetypes, emotions and instincts that we share with every other human being.
When we feel a lonely separateness from others, it is not because this Well within has dried up, but because we have lost the means to reach its waters.
You need to reclaim the tools necessary to penetrate to the depths of your fellows.
Then the bonds you build will be as timeless and inexhaustible as the Well that nourishes them.


Today: “Breaking the barriers of the subconscious mind is the union of the unit consciousness with supreme consciousness” Yogi Bhajan

“Breaking the barriers of the subconscious mind is the union of the unit consciousness with supreme consciousness; you must not have any misunderstanding about yoga. When the conscious mind can break through the barriers of the subconscious block and can penetrate and merge with the supreme conscious mind, that union is known as yoga, a happening, and we seek this happening because the finite must know its infinite potential.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA935-980608- Connect the subconscious and intuition

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