“The intellect is always releasing thoughts…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“The intellect is always releasing thoughts. At the same time, the soul has a presence that induces the mind to serve it by releasing thoughts aligned with its intention.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“Each action has a reaction we call karma…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Each action has a reaction we call karma. That impact is recorded as momentum in your mind. Each action creates more actions like it or like its polarity. There is a whole mechanism. Each thought when acted upon creates a cosmic echo. It has to have a consequence. That is the action of karma.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“Whenever you can act in reality…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Whenever you can act in reality to the thought at its structural essence, you gain power over those thoughts, and the power to manifest or to block the manifestation of those thoughts.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“Each thought that is produced in the intellect…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Each thought that is produced in the intellect is like a well-crafted sculpture. It has its own form, its own dimension, and its own internal structure.” Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)

“The idea is to just stop. Just wait. Don’t react…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“The idea is to just stop. Just wait. Don’t react. Therein lies the whole universe. Just don’t react.” Yogi Bhajan


(via Ram Anand)

“If the thought that is issued from the intellect…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“If the thought that is issued from the intellect does not perfectly agree with the long established momentum of the mind, the mind reacts by projecting a particular blend of colors around that thought. That color then interacts with the personality, projection, and interactions of that individual.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“Individuals, through their experience in the world…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Individuals, through their experience in the world, and through their reactions to their own mental phenomena, create various impressions that are recorded in the subconscious and the superconscious minds. This accumulation of actions and reactions creates a kind of momentum in the mind. So the mind does not start from zero. It has a perception already focused on specific categories or features of experience, even before a thought is generated.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“The tattvas give a condition to the mind…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“The tattvas give a condition to the mind, and the mind can balance the tattvas. It is a back and forth relationship. These five tattvas give qualities to the manifestation of mind into our senses, actions, and perceptions.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“The soul passes through gradual stages…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“The soul passes through gradual stages from the one unmanifested consciousness to gross manifestation. It finally connects to the densest condensations of those stages – the five last tattvas: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. It is these gross qualities that we can perceive in the qualities of earthly existence.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“Out of that comes the art in which man equates himself with God…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Out of that comes the art in which man equates himself with God,
And forgets the strength of the cyclone.
And as every pride has a fall,
The cyclone comes back
To complete the circle and start all over again.”
Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“The cyclone brings the destruction and tests the plantation…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“The cyclone brings the destruction and tests the plantation.  It gives the chance of reconstruction. Out of reconstruction comes new designing, new planning
And new strength to beat the cyclone.”

Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“Golden rays of the setting sun…” Yogi Bhajan


“Golden rays of the setting sun
Mingling with the moon at the far away horizon,
And the waves reflecting light towards home.

Somewhere under the canopy, a meditating yogi, a smiling sage
Watching the charisma of the divine heaven.”
Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“If you positively move the vibration…” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“If you positively move the vibration the world is yours. There is nothing standing between you and you.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)

“Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light.” Yogi Bhajan

SSSYWa“Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light.” Yogi Bhajan

(via Ram Anand)