Meditation: Release obstacles in your path

Yogi Bhajan – date unknown

Place elbows at your sides with your Jupiter and Saturn (index and middle) fingers stiffly pointing straight up and your thumbs covering the other fingers. With your eyes closed look at your chin from the inside. Whisper the mantra:

Aad Sach, Jugaad Sach, Hai Bhae Sach, Naanak Hosee Bhae Sach.
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Meditation: NM327-990930 Know Your Heart

nm327-990930knowyourheartYogi Bhajan – NM327 – September 30, 1999

Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Place your right hand on your heart and extend the left arm forward at a 60 degree angle, palm facing forward, as if you are blessing the universe. Inhale through the “o” of the mouth and exhale through the nose. Eyes are 1/10 open and focused at the tip of the nose. Continue for 11 minutes.
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Meditation: NM371 – Enjoy the Creativity of God

Yogi Bhajan – NM371

MEDITATION – Enjoy the Creativity of God

    1. Sit straight in a cross-legged
      position. Raise the hands in front of the heart with the fingers spread open. Keep the palms facing inward and interlock the fingers so that the thumbs are pointing up at 90 degrees and the fingers are straight, at an upwards angle. Elbows are relaxed down. Eyes are closed.
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Meditation: The Neutral Mind

from The Mind
neutralmind2It is easy to hear a truth and difficult to live it, to embed it deeply into your heart and mind. The Neutral Mind opens the gate to that deep remembrance of the self and soul. Jappa done with the refined Neutral Mind leads to Naam chitaveh. The Neutral Mind lives for the touch of vastness. It lets all other thoughts be without disturbance to your constant inner light.
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Meditation: The Positive Mind

The Mind.

 This practice opens the heart center and the feelings of the positive self. It is a gesture of happiness. It has a great history and is said to have been practiced by many great and wise spiritual leaders including Buddha and Christ. The hand mudra became a symbol for blessing and prosperity.
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Meditation: The Negative Mind

from The Mindnegativemind2When you need to balance the flashing negativity and protective fervor of the Negative Mind, use this meditation. It clears the subconscious of unwanted negative or fearful thoughts. Then the Negative Mind can give you clear signals to protect and to promote you. The posture is one of calmness and humility that lets the Creator, the Unknown, cover and shield you.
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Meditation: Magic Mantra-19760426

Yogi Bhajan April 26, 1976

Sit  in  a  comfortable  meditation  posture.magicmantra3
Lift  hands to the level of the  heart, palms up,elbows  relaxed at the sides.  Form a shallow cupwith  the hands, sides of the palms and mercury fingers comfortably together.  Thumbs are out and away from the  hands.  The edges of the “cup” are  about 30 deg up from parallel.

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Meditation: LA114  790613 – Spinal Serum

Yogi Bhajan – Los Angeles June 13, 1979

This  is  a  posture  where  the  serum  in  the  spinal  column  is  made  to  rush  up.  Sit  in  easy  pose  la114-790613spinalserumwith  a  straight  spine.  Relax  the  arms  down  with  the  elbows  bent.  Raise  the  forearms  up  and in  toward  each  other  until  both  are  in  front  of  the  body  at  the level  of  the  heart.  Face  the  right  palm  down  and  the  left palm  up  so  that  the  palms  are  facing  each  other  and  the  fingers point  toward  opposite  sides.

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Meditation: The Alchemist

Reorganize and purify the tattvas and call on them to project your excellence.

The elbows are bent, and held into the ribs. The hands are in front of the body.
On the left hand, the four fingertips meet the tip of the thumb, and are held in that position. The left wrist is bent backward so that the left palm faces up to the ceiling.
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Meditation: TCH20 02 960722 – Increase the Power of the Infinite Within

TCH20 02 960722 Meditation to Open the Lock of the Heart Center, to Increase the Power of the Infinite Within


Mudra: Sit in easy pose with a straight spine. Bring hands approximately 6-8 inches in front of your face, palms flat and facing one another, fingers pointing towards the ceiling, and with approximately a 6-8 inch space between the palms. Elbows are bent and are relaxed down (a).
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Meditation: NM0394 – Live Above Denial

Yogi Bhajan – Espanola, New Mexico
April 3,2001

MEDITATION – Conquer Self-Denial Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Brings the hands together in front of the throat. The left hand is higher than the right hand so that the fingertips of the right hand fit exactly on the mounds of the left palm. Elbows are relaxed down. Eyes are closed. Chant from the navel the Guru Gaitri Mantra with four Har (“Har Har Har Har Gobinday” by Nirinjan Kaur).
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Meditation: NM0380 – Ecstasy and Joy

Yogi Bhajan – Espanola January 30, 2001
MEDITATION – Purify your Body and Being.

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Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Hold your hands in Sarab Gyan Mudra in front of the heart—fingers interlocked with the
index fingers extended pointing up.
Eyes are closed and focused at the tip of the nose. Press the
index fingertips very tightly against each other and chant, “Sat Naam, Sat Naam, Sat Naam Jee, Wah-hay, Wah-hay Guroo, Wah-hay Guroo Jee” with the instrumental tape “Duni.”

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Meditation: LA0967-Division and Oneness

Yogi Bhajan – LA0967 – April 12, 2001

MEDITATION – Division and Oneness
1. Sit straight in a cross-legged position. Raise both hands to shoulder level with the elbows relaxed down. Point the index fingers up and the other fingers curled down with thumbs covering them. Eyes are closed.
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Meditation: Know the Psyche of the Other

Yogi Bhajan – unknown date

Grasp the left thumb with the right hand, and place the  hands on your lap.  Close your eyes. After a few moments, feel the sensation of your nose becoming inverted, So that the tip of your nose is between the eyes, and the bridge of the nose is at the bottom.
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“The greatest thing you can do is rise in the early morning and do a sadhana – a practice to energize the body and refine your mind. Most of us rebel and go crazy rather than get up early. There are two special time zones, when you have to enrich your mind: one in the morning, from 4am to 8am, and one in the evening, from 4pm to 8pm. These are natural moments that have a tide of energy within you and without. The sun and Earth have a special relationship and angle at those times that affect your mind and your energy.” Yogi Bhajan

Meditation: LA031 19780423 – Ad Nad Kriya – Gupt Gian Shakti the Secret Power of the Knowledge

Yogi Bhajan Los Angeles April 23, 1978

Sit in easy pose with a straight spine.LA031-780423

Hands: Interlock the fingers with the right index finger on top of the left index finger and the thumbs joined and stretched back so that they point straight up. Hold the hand position in front of the chest between the solar plexus and the heart. The heels of the hands are joined.
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