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Tag: Yogi Bhajan
If you do not understand the mind and its reactions…
Give this prayer with me…
Yogi Bhajan
We only forget sometimes to be vast…
Without vastness and an enriched mind…
Any man who creates environments to show clarity…
When you surrender your mind to your soul…
Will you die like a little worm…
The applied mind seeks out the positive mind’s solutions…
When you open your eyes…
You have fashions and faculties in your mind…
When you want to be successful and very convincing…
via Ram Anand
Talk from your heart…
“Talk from your heart. Master the art of committed language, and use your mind to project to the Infinity of every facet of your life.” Yogi Bhajan
via Ram Anand
Infinity in our projection…
“Your common observations and expressions are not realities, and Infinity itself cannot be spoken. This is the normal situation. And there are so many Infinities in our experience. God is Infinity. Love is Infinity. Commitment is Infinity. In every facet of our life we have the potential for the Infinity of our projection. Projecting with Infinity in our speech is the base of our committed language.” –Yogi Bhajan
via Ram Anand
Your soul…
“You have not learned how to depend on the unseen and unlimited within you. Your soul has a fundamental property that when aligned with your mind gives you impact, intelligence, and effectiveness. Its fundamental property is to be saibhang ~ a self-illumined, aware, and radiant identity of God. It is not subject to anything.